Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Oh, the horror!

Prelude: This blog is inspired by a little creative exercise i did to get a foot into my latest job. This is what i wrote about then, and it turned out to be all kinds of awesome. Therefore, here it is , on my blog, for the entire universe to consume.

The year was 1632 . It was a bright summer day. The kind of day when you feel like nothing could go wrong. The sun is out, innocent children are out playing, the cow is chewing and hope and joy resonates all over. So when "It" was born that day, nobody could have predicted the doom and destruction it would bring. But "it"'s parents "Mr & Mrs Lack of Ideas"(people had weird names back then) knew. They grew "It" to be the best it could be and gave it their full support. That, howver, turned out to be not such a great idea for humanity(or, for that matter animality ,fishality and birdality).

"It" was known as Writers block. And it was EVIL. As it grew, people around it started to notice its sheer malevolence. It was as if the dark lord had chosen earth as his playground and the writers block was its agent. Innocent people didnt know what hit them. It was as if all originality and innovation were suddenly drained out of their bodies and all there was left was........everything else.

Writers block is immortal. It lives through the ages and it has caused some of the greatest tragedies. Not many know but all the Wars on our planet have been caused by boredom from not having anything interesting to read. Writers block kills more people per year than Sharktopus, Godzilla and Rakhi sawant combined. Now that is scary.And it can strike anyone, anywhere when you most expect it.

And there is nothing you can do to save yourself. Me, myself have had an uncontrolloable urge to stab myself with the keyboard (I tried, it just works better with pens). You can just wait. Because Writers block is there. In your room. And it's watching you.